Family and Friends Q & A

If somebody close to you has been referred to the Centre for Living, they are likely to be experiencing a period of mental health difficulty. Those responsible for your family member or friend’s mental health feel that the Centre for Living can provide a positive step towards recovery. Please click here for a printable informational leaflet.

What is the Centre for Living?

The Centre for Living provides a safe recovery environment for those experiencing mental health difficulties through the use of group therapy. The team at the Centre for Living aim to deliver a holistic programme of structure and therapeutic intervention for those in need of support. This service is provided through the Cluain Mhuire Community Mental Health Service in conjunction with Saint John of God Hospitaller Services. The Centre currently operates Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Who attends the Centre for Living?

Those who attend the Centre for Living seek short-term therapeutic intervention stemming from a range of acute mental health concerns. Many visitors to the Centre are experiencing a time of transition and mental health difficulty through various life circumstances. At times the Centre provides a helpful transition for those who have recently experienced hospital admission, however often brief attendance at the Centre can act as an alternative intervention to hospital. Many people visiting the Centre for Living are attending mental health services for the first time and use this experience to overcome current difficulties and to develop key skills to maintain future mental health.

Is attending the Centre for Living voluntary?

Yes. Those who attend the Centre do so on a voluntary basis and can choose to discontinue at any time, although we encourage full attendance to facilitate the best possible recovery outcome.

How long will my family member/ friend attend the centre?

Although the length of stay each service user/patient experiences may vary, the average group programme runs for a period of 2-3 weeks (Monday to Friday).

What will happen when the programme is complete?

The team at the Centre for Living can meet with a participant and their family member (with consent) if requested to discuss the progress that has been made and to consider the most appropriate move forward. Although many participants at the Centre return to regular daily structure, many others may benefit from further therapeutic, educational or occupational based programmes/services.

How Can I help my family member/friend during this period?

This is often a difficult time of uncertainly for those attending the Centre, therefore we encourage family members and friends to extend patience and understanding. As the Centre for Living provides programmes on a full-time basis, the typical daily schedule of those attending the Centre may be affected. Therefore people attending the Centre may require extra support by those in their immediate and outer circle to accommodate this schedule.

We encourage an active interest by family members during this time, however please be aware that it may be difficult for those attending the Centre to discuss in detail their activity throughout the day, as this may infringe on the confidentiality of others.

This can be a stressful and often confusing time for family members and friends of those experiencing mental health problems. It is important that the mental health of those supporting an individual through recovery is protected and maintained. Please find below a list of services that may be of assistance during this time:

Web Links

Family Support Agency

Aware Relatives Support

Grow Ireland

Shine Online

Mental Health Ireland

The Mediators Institute of Ireland